If you’re a stack developer (MEAN / MERN / MEVN), you’re probably familiar with Netlify, Heroku and Atlas.
Those are three of the most popular tools to use when it comes to building, deploying and scaling a web app.
For those who don’t know what those acronyms stand for, here’s a breakdown:
These tools offer one of the most advanced ways to get powerful apps built quickly, and exactly to a client’s spec.
However, keeping all of these tools going, and having them communicating with each other, can come with serious time overhead, not to mention expertise.
And although Atlas, Netlify and Heroku work fine for stack development, you’ve got to wonder why you’d want to use them if you could use a platform that allows you to consolidate your frontend, backend and database development.
That’s what Code Capsules offers.
Code Capsules gives the stack developer the perfect environment for building, deploying and scaling their apps.
Not only is it an invaluable tool for single devs, it allows development teams to easily manage all of their apps from a single place, with access control.
That’s incredible, and you should sign up for Code Capsules right away!
You could plod on in the old way: using Netlify, Heroku and Atlas, or you could jump to Code Capsules and simplify life for yourself and your development team.
Sign up for Code Capsules today and make your development life easier.